The $plone Object

This module globally injects a $plone object so you can access it anywher using this.$plone. For plugins, asyncData, nuxtServerInit and middlewares, you can access it from context.$plone.



This is the configured Plone Backend URL. It should either point to your Plone root (e.g. http://localhost:8080/Plone) or a subfolder or sub site (if you have collective.lineage) installed (e.g. http://localhost:8080/Plone/campaigns/project-1).

If you have a multi-lingual Plone site, but just want to use one language for your Nuxt project, also link to your Plone root and set the desired langage in the languages list.


This is the Plone JS client instance. The client handles the requests to your Restful Plone-API.

The Plone module ships with some convenience methods for everyday usage (see methods below). If you want to have full control over request and response, you can use the client directly.

Example: Use the client directly to query a custom endpoint

async getMyEndpoint(customQuery = {}) {
  const query = {
    // Set some default query params
    key_1: 'option_1_default',
    key_2: 'option_2_default',
    // Inject custom query params
  try {
    return await this.$plone.client.query('@my-endpint', query)
  } catch {
    return {}


The merged plone config object. It contains all Plone settings.



Extract the relative path and query options from a given url.

  • Arguments:

    • url (type: string, required): The URL for the resource.
  • Returns: object An object with a clean pathName and a pathQuery.

Example: Get the query from a url

const url = 'http://localhost:8080/Plone/@search?sort_on=modified'
const { pathName, pathQuery } = this.extractPathAndQuery(url)
//  http://localhost:8080/Plone/@search
console.log({ pathQuery })
// {
//   pathQuery: {
//     sort_on: 'modified'
//   }
// }

Search for content at a given path with the given query.

  • Arguments:

    • path (type: string): The relative path to search within.
    • searchOptions (type: object): Search options.
  • Returns: object An object with a list of search result items and optional batch information.

Example: Search for all content

async asyncData({$plone}) {
  const result = await $'/');
  return {
    items: result.items

Example: Get the latest 5 news items

async asyncData({$plone}) {
  const query = {
    b_size: 5,
    metadata_fields: ['effective'],
    portal_type: ['News Item'],
    sort_on: 'effective',
    sort_order: 'descending',
  const result = await $'/', query);
  return {
    items: result.items

async get()

Get a single content item by path.

  • Arguments:
    • path (type: string, required): The relative path to get.
    • options (type: object): API options.
  • Returns: object The content object.

Example: Get a single content item for a page

import { withLeadingSlash } from 'ufo'

export default {
  // ...
  async asyncData({ $plone, error, params, payload }) {
    let contentItem = {}
    if (payload && payload['@id']) {
      // Check if we got payload data.
      contentItem = payload
    } else {
      // Get the path from the params
      const path = withLeadingSlash(params?.pathMatch)
      try {
        contentItem = await $plone.get(path)
        if (contentItem.error) {
          // Axios provided error information.
            statusCode: contentItem?.error?.response?.status || 500,
            message: contentItem?.error?.response?.statusText || 'Unknown error'
      } catch (err) {
        // Something else happened, so that axios was not handle it
          statusCode: err?.response?.status || 500,
            err?.message || err?.response?.statusText || 'Internal Server Error'
    return {
      item: contentItem
  // ...

async getNavigation()

Get the Plone navigation using the @navigation endpoint.

  • Arguments:
    • path (type: string, required): The relative path for the navigation root.
    • depth (type: number): How many levels deep should the navigation show?
  • Returns: object An object with a list of navigation items.

Example: Fetch the navigation and store the items in the Vuex store

async fetchNavigation({ commit }, nuxtContext) {
  await nuxtContext.$plone.getNavigation('/').then(result => {
    commit('SET_NAVIGATION', result.items)

async getSiteInfo()

Get the site information from the Plone site.

This method requires to be installed in your Plone site.


Get the local (relative) part from the given URL.

  • Arguments:
    • url (type: string, required): The full URL.
  • Returns: string The relative path of the URL from the root.

Example: Add a path property

const results = $'/')
const itemsWithLocalPath = => ({
  path: $plone.getLocalPath(result['@id'])
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Mon, Nov 15, 2021